Saturday, December 27, 2008

Imperial estates of St. Petersburg

Every one who visit Russia, particullary travel to St. Petersburg will be full without visiting the imperial estates of the city. The most beautiful and luxurious states are located in St. Petersburg, as it was the capital of Russian Empire for about two centuries. All of the estates have unique attractions, so tourists must try to see as much as they can.

The most popular and luxury estates are the following ones: Peterhof, Tsarskoye Selo, Pavlovsk, Gatshina and many others. Each of these estates has wonderful palaces, gardens of all kinds. Most of the estates are closely connected with the history of Russian Empire, the life of Russian emperors and empresses , as well as members of their families. Nowadays this sights are the favorite roughts among tourist enjoying Russia vacations.

Peterhof is one of the most beautiful estates, which is known as “Russian Versailles”. Russian tsar Peter the Great founded this estate, but later many innovations were made there. Probably the best way to explore it is by river. Peterhof cruise is one of the most popular Russian cruise. Russian Empresses Catherine the Great and Elizabeth ordered the expansion of the Great Palace.The estate has very beautiful park and gardens.

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