Saturday, December 27, 2008

St. Petersburg Cathedrals

St.Petersburg is one of the most beautiful cities in Russia and one of the favorite place for Russia tours. It has numerous architectural sights, among which are the cathedrals of the city. Each of them represents real marvels of architecture of the 18 and 19th centuries. The cathedrals were damaged during the time, but then were fully reconstructed in the 20th century. The most beautiful ones are St. Nicolas Cathedral, St. Isaac’s Cathedral, the cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul, the Kazan Cathedral and others. Almost all of them are best seen from the river, and probably half of Russian cruises are starting from seeing that pieces of art.

St.Isaac’s Cathedral is a 19th century cathedral built in forty years from 1818 to 1858. It was one of the main Russian churches in the past. The facades and interior of this great and beautiful church is really fascinating. The Cathedral is as famous as the newly rebuilt church of Christ Savior in Moscow. The facades of the cathedral are impressive, as they are decorated with sculptures and granite columns. Nowadays church services are held in this cathedral only on major ecclesiastical feasts and should be seen for those travel to Russia.

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