Friday, September 11, 2009

St. Petersburg. It is so different!

Why all travel agencies and tourist who have been there are so excited when it comes to St. Petersburg? Why everybody is telling that this is one of the places that they want to visit one day? Why when it comes to travel to Russia the first on the list is Petersburg? That was a questions that I was asking myself. Now I can easily answer.

I have came to St. Petersburg for a first time a year ago after my trip to Amsterdam. From the very first minute I liked it much better then the capital of Holland just because there were no smell of hemp, or weed as smokers call it. After checking in in one of St. Petersburg hotels I took a taxi to drive around the city. About five minute later I asked him to stop, I needed to explore this city by myself. I needed some time to realize how tremendous, how beautiful is everything around me.

I though that I would see something like Amsterdam, because there Peter the Great came to learn from Holland crafters, and there he got an idea about building his own city, in a manner of Amsterdam. But St. Petersburg was completely different from what I expected. It was like a combination of Venice, Amsterdam, and Washington. I found a little bit of everything there, and everything was gorgeous. Now I understand why people are speaking about Petersburg travel so intense, with such a great passion. Because city has a charm like no other, like you fall in love for a first time- you will remember it for all your life. Now my dream is to live in this city.

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