Saturday, December 27, 2008

Imperial estates of St. Petersburg

Every one who visit Russia, particullary travel to St. Petersburg will be full without visiting the imperial estates of the city. The most beautiful and luxurious states are located in St. Petersburg, as it was the capital of Russian Empire for about two centuries. All of the estates have unique attractions, so tourists must try to see as much as they can.

The most popular and luxury estates are the following ones: Peterhof, Tsarskoye Selo, Pavlovsk, Gatshina and many others. Each of these estates has wonderful palaces, gardens of all kinds. Most of the estates are closely connected with the history of Russian Empire, the life of Russian emperors and empresses , as well as members of their families. Nowadays this sights are the favorite roughts among tourist enjoying Russia vacations.

Peterhof is one of the most beautiful estates, which is known as “Russian Versailles”. Russian tsar Peter the Great founded this estate, but later many innovations were made there. Probably the best way to explore it is by river. Peterhof cruise is one of the most popular Russian cruise. Russian Empresses Catherine the Great and Elizabeth ordered the expansion of the Great Palace.The estate has very beautiful park and gardens.

Tsarskoye Selo

Tsarskoye Selo is one of the best estates in St. Petersburg. The estate has two palaces, both of which have gardens with beautiful fountains. The estate was built in the 18th century for Russian Empress Elizabeth and have become famost among Russian travel fans.

Catherine and Alexander palaces are located in the estate. Catherina palace is one of the most wonderful palaces, preserved till our times. Some of the hotels in St. Petersburg Russia are offering tours to the estate, but it is better to arrange a tour before time. The palace represents Baroque architectural style and has one of the luxurious interiors in Europe. Alexander Palace was built according to the order of Russian Empress Catherine the Great for her grandson Alexander. The palace was built in neoclassical style and was one of the most popular ones among Russian elite.

The town of Pushkin, which surrounds the estate was named after great Russian poet Alexnader Sergeevich Pushkin in the Soviet times. The city has numerous kinds of sights connected with life and works of the great Russian poet. I would recomend those going on Saint Petersburg travel to arrange a visit to this beautiful sight.

Pavlovsk- another imperial estate

Pavlovsk is also one of the best imperial estates, closely connected with the royal family. It belonged to Russian tsar Pavel and named in his honor. His mother Russian Empress Catherine the Great presented him with this wonderful estate. Now it belongs to people of Russia and is one of the favorite St. Petersburg tours.

The estate has elegant palace, which was built by the best architects of the 18th century. Tours to Russia are very often connected to this place. The original design was not preserved, as the palace was damaged during the Second World War. Fortunately, the palace was reconstructed in the middle of the 20th century and finally acquired its original décor and glory.

Pavlovsk Park is one of the vast gardens in St. Petersburg, which was really popular among locals and foreigners visiting the estate. The garden has fountains and sculptures, as well as rare flowers, which makes the garden a perfect place for Peterburg travel tourist to have walks and enjoy Russian nature and the art of landscape gardening. English-style landscape garden is one of the best ones in the whole country.

St. Petersburg Cathedrals

St.Petersburg is one of the most beautiful cities in Russia and one of the favorite place for Russia tours. It has numerous architectural sights, among which are the cathedrals of the city. Each of them represents real marvels of architecture of the 18 and 19th centuries. The cathedrals were damaged during the time, but then were fully reconstructed in the 20th century. The most beautiful ones are St. Nicolas Cathedral, St. Isaac’s Cathedral, the cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul, the Kazan Cathedral and others. Almost all of them are best seen from the river, and probably half of Russian cruises are starting from seeing that pieces of art.

St.Isaac’s Cathedral is a 19th century cathedral built in forty years from 1818 to 1858. It was one of the main Russian churches in the past. The facades and interior of this great and beautiful church is really fascinating. The Cathedral is as famous as the newly rebuilt church of Christ Savior in Moscow. The facades of the cathedral are impressive, as they are decorated with sculptures and granite columns. Nowadays church services are held in this cathedral only on major ecclesiastical feasts and should be seen for those travel to Russia.

The cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul

The Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul was constructed in the 18th century. The interior of the cathedral represents Baroque architectural style. The work on this cathedral began in 1712 by the order of Russian tsar Peter the Great. All his wishes were taken into consideration and finally a wonderful cathedral was created 11 years later. Nowadays it is located in the downtown city close to numerous St. Petersburg hotels.

The Cathedral has a rectangular design with a bell tower, which is crowned with a landmark needle. A figure of the flying angel was placed on the top of the needle, which is the most popular view across the Neva. It is still one of the best places to go among those who visit Russia. A clock is placed on the bell tower in 1720. The clock was bought from Holland. In 1952 a new clock was placed, as the other one was turned off after the revolution of 1917.The walls of the cathedral are decorated with paintings of various bible themes.